First, I want to apologize for my blogging delay but blame it on a myriad of factors-expense of internet use in Australia, time to download pics, limited use in Malaysia, my horribly slow hunt-n-peck typing "skills" and finally--my perfectionism as I always want to write the perfect, most insightful blog...
Ok, since we last met, I have left New Zealand and zoomed off to Sydney Australia. (oops.... apparently I showed up to the airport a DAY LATE-such a Carolina move but fortunately it was only a $100 mistake.) Suprised by how much I LOVED Sydney!! I feel like it has it all. This place reminds me of California for the beach and chill lifestyle, NY for the city (minus all the crime and dirtiness but PLUS BATS and WATER RATS...eeeekkk). The best part-- the wonderful cosmopolitan city of Sydney is only a 2 hour drive away to the mountains.
I am a mountain baby so decided to take the train for a day getaway to my terrain of origin, in Australia it is the Blue Mountains. Once there I met a CRAZY Crocodile Dundee like German guy who offered to take me abseiling (propelling down a waterfall). He assured me it was perfectly safe....
perhaps for other people.
I accepted this adventure (yes, he was a complete stranger but he reminded me of my oldest brother Johnny AND I have learned to trust my instincts). Unfortunately, I failed to realize that in order to get to and down the waterfall, I had to first go THROUGH it.
It was honestly one of the scariest thing i've EVER done; this coming from a skydiving, rockclimbing, bungee-jumping, bridge & cliff-jumping adrenaline junkie.
Jumping off of rocks into dark, murky, freezing water, it's amazing the thoughts that can pop into one's head at a time like this....
But I made it. Sometimes the only way through the fear is through it.
The water was Antarctica glacier freezing but I knew that my brothers--fans of repelling off of rocks-- would be so proud. I blame much of my adventure girl spirit on them. Growing up with four brothers I learned that if i wanted to hang out I had to get a little dirty and be fearless (or pretend to be).
After surviving climbing through the dark frigid waters and propelling down the rocks of the waterfall while the water hit me from every angle. I made it to a boulder where one of the guys took my harness off. As my sneakers were not made for these kind of travels, the lack of traction on wet slippery rock had me slipping quickly. I was grabbed and safed by another absailer, less than 2 feet away from falling down the rocks to the bottom another 20+ meters away.
My crazy new friend said that nothing scares him but that seeing me almost fall to my death (or at least a hospilization) really did. But it wouldnt be my story w/out a fall down some rocks, a near-death experience or two and some major war wounds ;)
This actual episode lasted less than an hour but the memories will forever remain and become a pat of me.
Then from mountain madness to Malaysia madness. The people are so incredibly friendly here! My jaded western mentality kept looking for the angle, waiting to get screwed-over but that was never the case for me. Writing this email from the home of a friend from Columbia's aunt & uncle who have been the most wonderful, giving hospitable people-to me-A COMPLETE STRANGER. I have so much gratitude!!! Also makes me realize that I already know so many people like this and have been blessed with such wonderful friends and family!!! Also, Malaysia reminds me so much of Mexico-minus all the street signs in Arabic and the delicacy of Monkey Brains--gruesome details later....
Fly to Delhi, Ieeeeeendia 2nt. Getting scurrrrred-so nervous & anxiety filled.
If you are reading this now & believe in prayers, or even if you don't, please say a few, or more, for me as I will be in India for the next 3 weeks-ALONE.
More later. Miss my friends and family but so grateful for the people I am meeting, connections I'm making, new experiences & insights on this journey. Also, would LOVE emails-as boring or mundane as they may seem to you, nice to remain connected to my friends and fam.
Later, C