April 12, 2007


That has always been the age old question. I have heard- "It is as easy to fall in love with a Rich man as a Poor one, so why create more worries," "If you hang out at the pound long enough, you are bound to fall in love with a mut," and "Be Smart." To which I have always responded, would never choose one over the other but would be nice...
Well, In Agra, India lies a great monument to the testament of both.
Yes, we have all heard the great love story behind the Taj Mahal but to actually witness the magnificence of the structure in person is absolutely breathtaking!
Arrived in Agra after a 20 hour train ride(they said it would be delayed 5 hours, but the Indian meaning of 'delayed' is being on a train that stops in the middle of nowhere for 7 hours!!!). Was exhausted & dirty but opted to go all out for the occasion and put on my bindi & sari-it was only afterwards when a group of helpful Indian women undressed me in public that I discovered my Sari was inside out & Bindi was upside down. oh well, was worth it.

wish i had some more green paper...

Sitting in a smoke filled internet cafe in St. Nikolas, Greece. Was supposed to take 9am ferry but windy weather conditions = canceled fast boat. So took a 1 1/2 hour bus here and gonna catch a 5 hour ferry to Santorini(instead of the 2 hour one :P. Being in Greece-where everyone is super dressed up-ALL THE TIME has had me wishing for my 'cute clothes; or at least the $ to buy new ones but unfortunately that is not part of my budget-which is already way overspent.
So I am online filling out scholarship applications for FAll semester and just getting generally frustrated with the reality that although I may have intelligence, perseverance, world knowledge, jah jah jah, I am desperately lacking in the resource of green paper. it is so frustrating that I spend all semester, a slave to my books , with little semblance of a social life and althouigh I have managed to maintain my 3.7-while balancing work, school, and the tragedies of last semester, none of that seems to matter much if I cant afford my high price-tagged Ivy league education. Guess Im just tired and bitter. But its all perspective right? I am incredibly blessed and I have faith-for now, we will see how I feel when my Financial aid letter comes- that all will work out as it should.
up till today, the weather was beautiful here in Greece but it is currently matching my mood-gloomy and overcast. But moods and weather forecasts have the ability to change quickly so Im praying for some sunshine :)
Love & miss you all!