April 12, 2007

wish i had some more green paper...

Sitting in a smoke filled internet cafe in St. Nikolas, Greece. Was supposed to take 9am ferry but windy weather conditions = canceled fast boat. So took a 1 1/2 hour bus here and gonna catch a 5 hour ferry to Santorini(instead of the 2 hour one :P. Being in Greece-where everyone is super dressed up-ALL THE TIME has had me wishing for my 'cute clothes; or at least the $ to buy new ones but unfortunately that is not part of my budget-which is already way overspent.
So I am online filling out scholarship applications for FAll semester and just getting generally frustrated with the reality that although I may have intelligence, perseverance, world knowledge, jah jah jah, I am desperately lacking in the resource of green paper. it is so frustrating that I spend all semester, a slave to my books , with little semblance of a social life and althouigh I have managed to maintain my 3.7-while balancing work, school, and the tragedies of last semester, none of that seems to matter much if I cant afford my high price-tagged Ivy league education. Guess Im just tired and bitter. But its all perspective right? I am incredibly blessed and I have faith-for now, we will see how I feel when my Financial aid letter comes- that all will work out as it should.
up till today, the weather was beautiful here in Greece but it is currently matching my mood-gloomy and overcast. But moods and weather forecasts have the ability to change quickly so Im praying for some sunshine :)
Love & miss you all!

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