May 10, 2007

Call centers, German police stations and Hospitals

Wish this email could be as lighthearted as ones prior but feeling a lil...heavy rght now :(
It all started last night(Wed 9) around 10:30 pm. Just left a pizza place and an American girl from Ohio I had met earlier. Saw a call center on the way back to the U-bahn and stopped in to call friends and family. no one answered so i left messages. the guy at the call place was trying to charge me more than the price he quoted before I made the calls so i told him to show me on the computer screen how he had formulated the charges. he got really angry and out of nowhere violently ripped the bag outta my hands while i was still holding onto it then locked me in the store, backed me in a corner and threatened to hit me with my bag.
Everything happened so quickly but was such a terrifying and traumatic situation. Luckily there was another guy on the computer who told the shopowner to calm down and let me go. I am very greatful that the other guy was there or else i think it would have been much worse but still amazed that the guy allowed the shop owner to treat a helpess female so violently without intervening sooner or more on my behalf. The second I got out of the shop, was shaken and bawling and
called the pastor from a street payphone. He showed up and we called the cops but the shopowner was just leaving the store and ran around the corner as soon as he saw the cops. The policemen sped off after him but to no avail. Christian and I rode in the cop car( a very nice BMW station wagon) and spent 2 hours at thepolice station where he acted as translator to the German speaking police. After leaving the station, we then spent another 2 hours missing trains and busses. We arrived back at the church office at 3.30 in the morning, 5 1/2 hours after the phone calls and incident. my finger was swollen to twice its size, blue and throbbing and I feared it was likely sprained.
Woke up this morning and my fingers appeared much worse, particularly my ring finger, and would not straighten out. Went to go on a sightseeing tour and met and had lunch with these 2 amazing women from Houston Texas, Ruthann and Janelle. Their company and perspective helped me to change my own about the situation. Instead of focusing on the problem-the angry unprovoked assault by the guy and my anger and aching fingers- i decided to focus on what lesson God could have been trying to show me in all this. I came up with 2; one being that I am very lucky that it wasn´t worse and two- that I had a # in Berlin to call and that that person, Christian, showed up for me and comforted and assisted me. As tough as I think I am-that I am independant and dont need other people- God showed me how wrong i was. Without the pastor´s assistance and the women and other strangers today, I dont know what I would have done!!! So earlier today my anger was replaced with an overwhelming sense of gratitude.
THEN, I went to urgent care. Before I saw the doctor I was filled with anxiety and terror of the unknown and more pain. Praying helped ease some of that fear and I hoped that my doctor would as well. UNfortunately, that was not the case. My doctor was young but very rough with me. When I told him I was concerned my finger could be sprained he said that it was highly unlikely to happen without a severe fall or blow to my hands. Needless to say, his cold behavior on top of the fact that I was in a foreign place where I could not understand the language, made me more upset and I once again began to shed tears. The woman who took my X-Rays was not much better, she slammed and smashed my fingers on the X-Ray plate and was upset with me for not straightening them out flat. I tried to calmy explain to her that the very reason I was obtaining an X-Ray was because I was in fact unable to straighten 3 of my fingers flat. This is when she used force to flatten out my sad puffy blackened digits.
When we returned to the doctors office all of a sudden my mean young doctor was very kind to me-amazing what sympathy broken bones can bring. Yep, that is right folks- one finger is sprained and the other finger is BROKEN! My whole hand and arm is in a cast-for 6 weeks!!!!! then when it gets off they will determine if it healed properly and will be okay or if i will need surgery : (
Needless to say, this new information made me very sad, hurt, frustrated angry lonely and in pain :(
Seeing the X-Ray of my poor little ring finger-cracked and broken- and knowing that it happened not because of anything on my part but because of the assault and rage of an unprovoked attack just made the news that much more diificult to deal with. Luckily, as before, I was not alone and Christian took me to get food and movies before dropping me back off at the church offices. So now after having cried this evening, prayed and made phone calls I type this blog with one hand while my left is in a stiff heavy cast where it will reside for the next MONTH AND A HALF!!!!! :(
Its funny how before this I never realized the importance of your left hand but it assists in pretty much everything-shoe tying, holding stuff, putting on clothes, bathing, jah jah jah and now I will require the kind pity and assistance of others or just how to fend for myself with one arm. Yes, I only have 3 weeks left to this trip but wearing a cast is not exactly conducive to the solo backpacking adventure lifestyle PLUS, I will have the cast on for a month after my return to the states. Its funny how this one little thing changes a lot-all my sister Lori#s graduation pics will have her cast wearing sis in them, no yoga or photoshoots for me and having to wear a plastic bag over my cast to bathe or in the rain(which there is currently a lot of in Berlin).
So that is me and where I am at-sad upset and in pain.
I ask you all, my friends and family, for extra prayers please for my sanity and getting by, for this man to face the consequence of his actions and especially for proper healing of my hand so i will not have to face surgery in 6 weeks.
I love and miss you all so very very much!!!!
Please also do not worry about me. Yes, there is danger out there and I ran into some of it but more than anything this incident has proven to me that I have a God that loves me and will never leave me alone.
Love and Miss, Carolina


Anonymous said...

o no my big sis need a gun jajajaja o sister take care please and learn to figth jajaja deffend youre self but take care and buy a gun jajajaja i miss you carol come soon atte ricky

Anonymous said...

ey ke onda karol
marcela la hija de tu tio oscar
espero y andamilia es super bbien
y ojala y te este llendo de lo mejor
esperando saber de ti
ojala y pronto puedas venir a mexiko
tekeremos la familia sosa alvares
mi mail es:
y mi flog es:

bueno sin mas ke desir
te keremos
chao y besos

giulia said...

Oh sweetie...I just got back to your blog to read this after about two weeks of not doing much else besides studying for finals, and what can I say? I am so, so sorry this had to happen to you, and I know exactly how scared and frustrated you must have felt. I don't know if I told you when we were going over the details of your trip, but while I was traveling I was not only harassed/nearly attacked by someone in the hostel where I was staying, but I also had to go to the hospital (for a different reason though!) in a place where I didn't know the language. I too was only thankful that nothing worse happened, and all in all, I think you handled the situation extremely well. I am sure that now, coming to the end of your travels, dreams of warm beds and baths are dancing through your head. But don't give up! You've been strong, you've come this far already, and I know you will feel SUCH a sense of accomplishment upon completing your journey (at which point I, of course, want to hear all about it straight from you)! Best of luck to you over the next few weeks!


Esteban (Steve) Sosa said...

Hey Carol,

Yoriko will teach you some karate and I want to be the first person to sign your cast!

Seriously though, sorry about your experience with the store owner. Next time just come to San Antonio instead of another country and we'll be with you with store shop owners harrass you. :)

Then we'll pop their tires or something creative. Love you.

Anonymous said...

I send you my electronic hugs. I'm sending you a facebook message.

The world has its share of uncouth and depraved ruffians. You might consider investing in something such as this . Military tested, Josh approved.